Author Archives: George

19,712 Days Awake

“Time is very slow for those who wait; very fast for those who are scared;...

Last Post For 2016

  We would like to think of this final blog post for 2016, as a...

Capitalism and Altruism

    The point is,ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word,...

Hope Is not a valid investment strategy

  “Hope Is not a valid investment strategy”   New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani...

Australia for Investment ?

In light of bizarre US events and the predictions of doom, we decided that this...

The role of Culture and tradition in Decision making.

The six main elements of culture are beliefs, values, norms, language, roles and social collectives....

Winners Know When To Stop

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn...

Change Your Life ?

    Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot...

Research and Decisions

    I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know...

Motivation and Confidence

   “Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will” Confidence. Middle French confidence or directly...