Category Archives: News

Real Estate Trumps Everything

  Trump, Fake News and the Australian Economy. I sometimes read scary(fake ?)news headlines which...

Why Do Overseas investors Love Australia ?

  Australia is seen as a safe and secure investment in either our farm sector...

The Safest Property Market in the World- AUSTRALIA

  Australia, a strong free-market democracy, has recorded some very impressive economic progress unmarred by...


    “..I wrote myself a cheque for $10 million for acting services rendered and...

Saving vs investing

    Some people become confused between the terms savings and investing. Defensive investments focus on...

Real Estate Investment

  One of the questions we are asked every week at Ample Property Solutions is...

19,712 Days Awake

“Time is very slow for those who wait; very fast for those who are scared;...

Last Post For 2016

  We would like to think of this final blog post for 2016, as a...

Capitalism and Altruism

    The point is,ladies and gentlemen, that greed, for lack of a better word,...

Hope Is not a valid investment strategy

  “Hope Is not a valid investment strategy”   New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani...